Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last Day Of School...

Here we are on the last day of school. I am so happy to have school be out and just to be able to relax and do our own thing this summer.

I thought I would take a picture of the girls in front of the couch again and compare. Here is Kaitlyn with her pajamas on since they were told they would be watching a movie and eating pizza all day. I was okay with it. (She did not sleep in these last night.)Here is Madelyn. I dressed her up a little since there was a Kindergarten promotion program. The dress is a little too short but I am still looking for leggings to go with it and it was the best thing we had this morning. Here are both girls on the first day and below both of them can't really compare the pics (growth wise) b/c I think I was standing up taking the first pic and today I knelt down to take it. So they look a lot taller. But you can still see a difference in them both and they are cute. I will post more about end of the year programs and that kind of stuff soon. But right now we celebrate...SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!


Marisa said...

Funny, until I read your explanation I was going to comment that they each shot up about 7 inches! I love your photo frame set-up behind the couch.

meghannamarie said...

WAHOOO! I am too so excited to have it just be me and my kids this summer! and no schedule, well not as early in the morning anyway!

raedene said...

I'm jealous!!! We still have 2 1/2 days! And your background makes me want to head to California right now!!! Your girls are too cute!