We got a call from Mom this morning that they were putting the Angel Moroni up on the temple right now! So I grabbed Bronson and quickly drove out there to see it. By the time we got there he was already up but here is our first view of him.Then I turned the truck around and got a closer look. This couldn't be more than 15 minutes after he was up. It was so spiritual. That may seem weird to say but the feeling there was reverent and exciting and special.When construction first started there was an announcement made for everyone to stop driving by and stopping their cars and taking pictures etc. They even added these green tarps to the fence around the site to prevent people from hanging around and getting in the way.
But this morning, there was no stopping the crowds. There were about fifty cars pulled off the road when I got there and people were walking across the highway and standing around the fence watching and taking pictures. There were even patrol cars just sitting there observing. As usual you can see the pictures of him "going up" at the official website...here. Here is one from the website taken by Nicole Lunt...It is so pretty. I loved it!
15 years ago
that's so cool that you can see the progression of the temple so close and be there. it looks so beautiful! how exciting! It's gone up so fast!
That's awesome! We'll have to go drive by.
How exciting to watch the temple being built. The temple is beautiful.
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