Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Got Corn?

Well, since I showed you our front yard yesterday. I thought I would show you what our back yard looks like today. This is the only section of our back yard that does not have cement. Its about 5' X 24'. Perfect for a garden, right? So this spring we planted tomatoes, cilantro, corn, lettuce, spinach, jalepeno peppers and some peas I think. As you can see the corn is coming up right well. The tomatoes and lettuce are also doing well. The cilantro grew like crazy until we left town and then it died. I pulled that out. I think also the peas didn't do well, but I haven't pulled them out yet. Every couple days I get to pull a couple more tomatoes off and eat them. We have cherry tomatoes and spicy regular sized ones too. Haven't pulled any of the regular ones yet. I never thought we could successfully do a garden. I am very impressed at how well it has done. Mostly Jeff. He remembers every day to water it. I have come around. I just need a note to remind me.


meghannamarie said...

Looks great I have always wanted a garden with lots of tomatos and stuff! You would think with the dirt patch in our back yard it wouldn't be to far fetched, what ever!