Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First Day Of School...

It finally arrived. The first day of school for Kaitlyn and Madelyn. I have been looking forward to it while at the same time thinking it might be a hard day since it would be Madelyn's first day in kindergarten.

This morning we all got up and were getting ready and of course true to form Madleyn was poking around big time. We planned on taking them to school in the morning to see the teachers and take pics etc... but told them that they could ride the bus home after school was out.By the time we got M ready and took some pics at the house after all the pokey-ness I was so ready to get her out of my hair for the day... Nice, I know!
My mom always provides a first day of school outfit when grandkids start kindergarten. For the boys that means she gives money to buy something...but for the girls it means that she makes an outfit. Cuz girls are fun to sew for I guess. I wouldn't know! Here is M's first day of kindergarten dress. Very cute! She loved it.
Kaitlyn also had a pretty dress for the first day. Tomorrow we begin the normal play clothes that are in good enough condition to wear to school wardrobe which includes some of the stuff we bought a couple weeks ago. Also since its still sooo hot (since its only August 6th) we will also be sending them to school in some serious summer play clothes regardless of the condition they are in. I am sorry but starting school before the Olympics should be a criminal offense. P.S. Bronson felt like he should get to take pics with the girls too so he jumped in. He did the same thing last night when Jeff was giving blessings to each girl.
M found a puzzle to work on at one of the tables and she seemed pretty happy, fine, okay to be there when we were getting ready to leave. Her teacher's name is Mrs. Smith and she is very nice. M seems to like her already.
K's teacher is the same as her last year teacher, Mrs. Gutierrez. She "looped" up with the same class which is cool b/c they already know the rules and structure of the class and they already have friends too! Here they are getting off the bus. I didn't quite get there in time for a close up but you get the idea. Both had good days and both reporrted "fine" when asked how their day was. haha


Amy said...

And how was YOUR day?


Hatch's said...

More on MY day amy you need to invite me to read your now PRIVATE blog...sheesh!

meghannamarie said...

Cute! I especially love how big Bronson is getting! I never noticed it before how tall he is! Also I can't believe that Madelyn was OK with you coming into the class with her I just thought she would tell you she could ride the bus! You know litte miss independant! And Kaitlyn is cute I think the pic of her is a great first day of school picture!

The Waits Gate said...

I can't believe they already started you lucky duck! We don't start until the 27th. They'll get out June 10th which is late. They look so cute! I bet it was weird having just Bronson. I actually messed up a few days ago and said, "Well, when you guys start vacation, I mean school..." Oops!

Kimmy said...

i can't believe that they already started school! i just finished school on the 8th! wow. we are moving next jobs yet!