Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Worst Week(end) EVER!

You know that show on VH1 or MTV about the best week ever...well I have the counter to that. Note: this post will be laced with good news despite the looming despair.

This last weekend we had a four day weekend due to Veteran's Day on Tuesday. Our school district doesn't like to do too many long breaks off but does quite a few short breaks. So we got Monday and Tuesday off for Veteran's day. It was the perfect opportunity to get out of town and relax. We had plenty of things to do. My brother graduated from Univ. of Phoenix with his MBA. That was very cool and exciting. I am so proud of him and his family for their sacrifices to make this happen.
The plan was Friday after school we would drive down to Mesa and get up early Saturday for the graduation. Well, since Jeff was off Friday he went out to help his friend hunt deer while the kids were still in school. I got everything ready to go while he was out. His friend actually shot a deer so that put us behind since after you shoot one you have to go find it and then gut it out etc...I will spare the gory details of that. I am not annoyed at this. Any hunter who harvests his animal on the first day of the hunt is okay in my book. Though Jeff did jack up his left hand pretty bad while he was out. His thumb and palm were swollen like he sewed a bouncy ball just under the skin. So we went down to Mesa , went to the graduation. There was a luncheon after that. We went to that. Kaitlyn had an endocrinology appointment in the afternoon. We did that. Paid $30 to have her height and weight checked and be sent on our way. We got together with all the cousins later Saturday night which was CHAOS. Fun though. Thought about playing cards at my brother's house, but decided not to since some of us were not feeling well. Went back to my sister's house. Here is when the CRAP begins to hit the fan (so to speak).
As we are pulling into the garage at my sister's house, the stairs to their attack are down so I get out to go fold them up and put them away. My head hurts as I type this and it's been five days...I am lifting the stairs and one of the hinges folds and comes down HARD on my head. POW! Ouch, I immediately start crying and crouch down. It hurts bad. I had to lay down the rest of the night. Saturday night Madelyn starts wheezing from playing extra hard all day. At one point Jeff jumped out of bed b/c he thought she was throwing up, but she wasn't. I have no idea what was actually going on. Sunday morning was slow going getting ready for church and I had a really bad ache going on. The best I could come up with was a case of whiplash. I am not sure though since I have just dealt with it all week. Monday we planned to go to the mall and do some other fun things with the kids. We were taking my sister's kid to preschool (they don't have four day weekends) and Jeff looks at Madelyn in the back of the mini~van and freaks out that she has the seatbelt wrapped around her neck. It seriously was wrapped around her neck. She looked like she was hanging there. After close to 10 minutes of trying to get it un~twisted and when she started making weird noises like the air was indeed cutting off. We had to cut the seat belt. Her neck was all torn up and we had a change of plans and took the van straight to the dealership to get it fixed at NO COST to us. FYI no one in the car industry had EVER heard of a "release" for seat belts. That was a terrifying ordeal. Luckily Madelyn bounced back quickly. Her therapy included drawing some detailed images (remember she is our Picasso) of her with a seat belt wrapped around her neck and her crying. Hope the rest of us bounce back soon. Then we got a call from the people who were doing an oil change on our car and we ended up doing a bunch more stuff to the car. A grand total of $400 worth more stuff. NICE! It was stuff we knew needed done and were just putting it off. Veteran's day wasn't too bad. We got some of the errands we planned to do on Monday done. Then it was time to head home again. The only thing I have to say is that The Thanksgiving weekend which is in two weeks better be the complete oppostie of this weekend. The only good thing is that I finished my quilt I have been working on for the last month. Check out the other blog to see pics.


Laura said...

Sorry! I hate it when things don't go as planned! Better luck over thanksgiving!

Amy said...

Yikes! You poor thing. How scary with Madelyn!

meghannamarie said...

Ok I know that really bad things happened with the head bang and the seat belt thing really bad but other than that was it really that terrible? I think we had fun and laaughed a lot too. The kids were bad of course they always are...So I guess I wouldn't call it a totally wasted or horrible weekend just a few terrible things happened!

Kandice and Rob said...

What the heck?! How scary about the seatbelt! I'm glad she was OK. I hope your noggin is better!

Laura said...

Haha- my birthday is before yours! Mine is tommorow! ;)

Holly Child said...

Holy Crap! That whole seatbelt things is scary!!! And sorry about your head! I would have cried too!

The Waits Gate said...

I'm glad you and Madelyn are okay. I wish you guys could come out here for t-giving too!

Ruth said...

That is terrifying, I am glad she is alright. And I am sorry about your head.