Monday, July 6, 2009

I Have Nothing To Do...

Yesterday I was officially released from my calling as Primary 1st counselor. Out of the 10 years of being married I have been in the primary for eight. I haven't attended Relief Society or Sunday School in about seven years. I am hoping that I will at least get to go once or twice before they put me somewhere else.
I will miss the Primary children. I learned to love all children by serving them for so long. I know that Primary is an inspired program that teaches exactly what our children need to be learning at a young age. Sometimes it was hard, but it was always fun and never dull. And I think I learned a few things that I needed as a mom and a child of God myself.


meghannamarie said...

YYYYEEEEAAAAAAA! Finally, enjoy all the hours you have left without a calling!!! I have a phone call waiting to make to a 2nd counselor in the bishopric not wanting to do it at all!

Jen said...

Still enjoying your time of "nothing to do?" I hope so! It's nice to have those SLOW times! But I'm sure you really don't have NOTHING TO DO! Have fun!