Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fun With Cakes!

Kaitlyn has recently started going to the Girls Activity Day Program with the church. Since she is now 8 years old, she is old enough to go. She loves it soo much. She reminds me every Thursday when it is getting close to 5:00. Its a good thing too b/c I forget almost every time. It is only every other week but she makes sure I know every Thursday. Even when we were in Utah she said....Its almost 5:00. I need to go to achievement days. I was like, "I don't think you're gonna make it today." BTW-it used to be called the achievement day program before they changed it to the activity day program...its just hard to break the old habit.Last week Kaitlyn had an achievement day activity where they learned how to decorate cakes. They were supposed to bring a one layer frosted cake to the activity and then they would decorate it there. Kaitlyn said something about maybe doing a butterfly and I said she would just have to see what they had. Apparently they had a butterfly cookie cutter they used to make the shape. Then they filled it in with the icing. So smart. I would have struggled to make something look like a butterfly. Here is her finished product. I think it is adorable. It tasted good too! I am so glad that her leaders have a clue. When that was my calling, I did the lamest things b/c I could not come up with fun cute things for the girls. Yay for the leaders.


Holly Child said...

She did a beautiful job on the cake! What a fun activity! :o)

Kandice and Rob said...

Look at that smile!! Awesome

Kimmy said...

great job kailtyn! i couldn't have done better!

Frasure Family said...

what a great idea! Never would have thought of cookie cutter! It turned how great! Can't wait to see you guys!!

meghannamarie said...

Awesome Kaitlyn, how come some people have the greatest ideas and then there are people like me who never have ideas doesn't seem fair does it! maybe there should be a middle somewhere!!

Amy said...

So cute! She did a better job than I could do!