Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Halloween Phantom

Last night there was a knock on the door...I quickly opened it to find no one. Looking down I noticed a plate of yummy brownies with a note attached. Hmmm...peculiar! Looking up and down the street I saw no running shadows or car lights fading away. Happily, I picked up the plate and brought it inside to read the note to the kids and decide who we will leave some goodies with tonight. What a fun surprise!Oh, and the brownies were delicious!
Photo courtesy of bakersbakery.wordpress.com


meghannamarie said...

UMMMMM those look so yummy! I hope you liked them that 6 hour drive was a #@$% to do so late at night!!!

meghannamarie said...

Actually I have never recieved a phantom gift or anything like that before so that is really fun!

meghannamarie said...

I have always wanted one but you can't ask people to do that to you so you just have to wait for someone to gift you!

BTW my security code was
typoop. tee hee!