Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm On Sabbatical!

Okay, okay so I know that I posted almost everyday last week and now it has been a week since I last posted. I have one of those personalities where I binge and purge...So last week I binged and this week...well, you know!
Tonight I went to the quilt guild meeting with my mom. I only get to go a couple times a year because it is on the same night as one of my classes. It was awesome to see so many quilts made by the others. (No! I haven't made~or finished~any of my own to show off~psshhhh!) I love getting ideas for new things to make. I took some pictures with my phone and I need to figure out how to upload them.


Adrienne said...

Someday you will get to quilt more often (I hope!) I'm glad you have a hobby you enjoy so much. It would be neat to see pics of some of your work! I can sew as long as it's nothing fancy. Curtains, costumes, a dress now & then....last year I made Grant a "General Grant" (as in Ulysses S. Grant) civil war uniform for his history presentation. I don't think I could do a project as precise as quilting, not without a lot of classes anyway!