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Yesterday I had book club at my house again. This time we read "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain... Well, some of us read it. Most of us had not finished it yet. Either because it was hard to get into or because they were reading something else that they couldn't put down. I am one guilty of not getting into it, though I have enjoyed what I have read. Mark Twain has a great style to his writing. I am hoping to finish it before next week when my Mom's book club (that I also go to) meets to discuss "Tom Sawyer"!!!I also made this yummy dessert for the club. I always try something new when people are coming over. It turned out really good. It is basically a giant snowball: chocolate cake with a cream cheese filling with pudding frosting and coconut topping. I am excited to make it again for another occasion. It was a big hit.
We also fed the missionaries last night after book club. Jeff made the soup recipe that I posted not too long ago and we served them the same cake. They loved it all. Thanks, Jeff for taking care of dinner while I chatted with my ladies!
16 years ago
The cake soundd yummy! I remember reading tom sawyer in HS and the language was kindof difficult to get exactly what they were saying, becuase of the letters were missing. Love the new dressers, it will be great to have time someday to do projects like that.
I must confess...I haven't even picked up Tom Sawyer yet! I'm reading Catching Fire and it's so interesting. Anyways, I'll try to come to book club even if I don't read the book :)
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