Well, you all should be very proud of me because I have kept my mouth shut about this and not told a soul! Today Jeff was put into the Elders Quorum Presidency as 2nd Counselor. Apparently all his checking in on people who don't come and making phone calls to invite people to activities has landed him in the hot seat! I think this will be great for him. He has been saying that he doesn't really know many people in the ward. This will be the perfect opportunity for him to meet and get to know as many as possible. He will be away from home more often when they have visits to make but I think we will be blessed for it as well. "Yay Jeff" for being worthy and willing to serve! We love you and know you will be awesome!
Also today was our Primary Presentation program...it was really good. I am proud to say that Bronson and Madelyn had their lines memorized and said them perfectly clearly. Kaitlyn also had hers memorized but opted to read hers at the pulpit. What do you do? She was also very eloquent. The nicest thing about the program today was that I was not in charge of it! haha I just sat there and enjoyed it. One Sunbeam in particular was great for entertainment's sake. She knew all the words to the songs and could sing on key (always a bonus) and she would belt it out on every song! You could hear her above all the others. Thanks Adelynn for your dedication! I love "good church" days! haha
16 years ago
I knew it!!
It being that the kids had thier program yesterday!!! Glad they did well! And Congrats to Jeffy! It will be fun to see how well he does, just a few years of the 2nd counselor and then on to pres!
Now you can't hang out in the halls chatting (wink wink). Monica, I am way impressed you kept a secret!! Seriously, WAY IMPRESSED!
Congrats Jeffy atleast you aren't the president (see our blog for further detail). Glad the program went well!
Congratulations on the new calling.
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