After re~painting the girls' room and making it actually look good. I decided to keep going with one of their dressers. I got this dresser at a Habitat For Humanity shop in Colorado several years ago. I painted it bright pink for the girls and it has served us well. I even spray painted little palm trees to match a comforter I made for them. I decided the pink was no longer right for the room and it needed a makeover. Since everything else in the room was matching pink or green I went with just plain white. This will also make it easier to move around if we ever get new dressers for the girls.
First I had to strip all the paint off. I used a paint thinner and a scraper. It went well; except for the dresser top where I had spray painted. The spray paint apparently made a seal for the underneath paint and it was difficult to remove and even sand down. There were small raised spaces where each palm tree had been. After a while I was satisfied enough to move on.I love how the paint bubbles up with the thinner doing its work!
All scraped off. Well, mostly! I even filled in the holes from the hardware so I could get rid of the drawer pulls that we had. They were annoying to me. I can't explain it!
A coat of Primer to make sure the underneath madness doesn't start seeping through.
I even decided to paint the back white just for more finished look. All the white splotches you see on the sides are where I had accidentally gotten pink paint from the last time. So I covered it up as to destroy all evidence of the previous dresser!

And to top it off I found a perfect headboard on clearance at the furniture store and brought it home to complete the room!
Of course, wouldn't you know it...Last week I was driving around town and a woman had a bunch of furniture out in her front yard. I stopped and she had a matching dresser to the other dresser the girls have in their room. It would have been perfect to bring home and I could use this white one for something else. But the insane woman wanted $100 for it. It is OLD. I had dressers exactly like these when I was about four years old. And they were not new when I had them! Hello lady, get some sense! I did not buy it. After all we have a perfectly good dresser!
I might go check the thrift stores in town later today to see if she just donated it somewhere! shhh
you did a great job monica! (as usual) i love finding a good deal:)
Nicely done..nothing like a old piece of furniture to give new life to...
GOOD FOR YOU and bty it looks great in thier new room.
Hugs for all
Lve you
You are awesome with so much patience! It looks great and the room is so pretty!
NICE job on the dresser! And the girls' room looks adorable!
And CONGRATS to Jeff! He'll be amazing!
Beautiful!! YOu did a good job! Come up and do my girls' dresser too!
Way to go! It turned out beautiful! I have a kitchen table that needs I know who to call!
Awesome! The whole room looks so polished and put-together. You rock.
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