Previously, I have not posted my resolutions on here to keep them private, but I think this year I am going to post them in an attempt to be more accountable to them. We'll see how it goes. I am not perfect, people. But I do want to try to be better.
Everyone always starts with the PHYSICAL:
lose 13 pounds
develop better sleeping habits
continue to see the Chiropractor
no soda
find a good ENT Dr.
my brother-in-law, Chris, told me to resolve NOT to get a black eye this year! see belowAnd of course the SPIRITUAL:
work on a more consistent scripture study routine
be better prepared for my Sunday school lesson each week
attend the temple often
make sure I get to interpret at the temple dedication in May!
listen to church music on Sundays
go on some dates with Jeff!
Something in the INTELLECTUAL category:
possibly take a class at EAC after Bronson starts kindergarten
continue to participate in my book clubs
The almost always impossible FINANCIAL:
save money for a down payment on a quilting machine!!!
cancel my cel phone and put that money aside
save money for a new big screen (pay cash)
And last but not least FAMILY:
have Family Home Evening more regularly
continue more faithfully with our family scripture study
take more pictures ~ Kaitlyn's
go swimming in the summer ~ Madelyn's
go hunting ~ Bronson's
Well that's it folks! We'll see how it goes!
16 years ago
Great resolutions Monica I can't wait to talk you into drinking a soda again!
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