We've had more than a few requests on what is up with the blog so I, Jeff, will post.
Kaitlyn was drawn for the "youth any antlered deer" in the middle of October. I have a few spots that I can usually find deer so we went there opening day in the evening (we were not able to hunt opening morning had a endocrinologist appointment in Mesa and I met Monica in Globe to exchange kids and get back to hunt). So we sat on a ridge till it was too dark to see and headed home. Nothing. The next morning we were out the door at 5 and on the trail just after 530. I wanted to be looking into a draw before shooting light. She enough when we made it to that draw a doe and a buck spooked out of the top of the draw giving us no time to set up. We waited 10 minutes or so and continued up the trail. We hiked a few hundred yards along the trail and stopped in the shade for a rest. I turned around to look at the way we had just come and below the trail we had just walked on, in the shade of the steep hill stood a buck looking at us! I didn't pay attention to how big he was, I just knew Kaitlyn needed to get some cross hairs on him before he took off. Well this took about 10 minutes! LOL! The buck was standing, looking at us frozen, like coues deer do and knew he had given us the slip. The buck was only 174 yards but was at a steep angle below and across the draw from us. I had Kaitlyn aim on the top of his back and boom the shot went over him and he was gone!
We hunted several more days only to see does or not see anything at all. Kaitlyn was able to skip out on some days of school and we spent a lot of time together. She did an excellent job keeping up with me hiking in the steep mountains and being patient while I would glass for hours trying to pick out a buck. She is looking froward to her Javalina hunt in a few weeks! Kaitlyn and her new rifle (custom built .250 Savage by Charles Gatlin). Oh, yeah, Kaitlyn has had upper braces for a month or so. The super trooper!
16 years ago
Holy crap you did it...I mean you updated! THANKS.BTW in case you didn't notice that gun is bigger than Kaitlyn..but I love the color. Way to go hope you get something next hunt. All the kids looks so cute..soccer..b-days...hunting,,.looks like fun at your house. All we do is work!
That is awesome you took your daughter hunting! I LOVE it! SHe will always remember this!
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